Dorset Guitar Society

The Dorset Guitar Society members

Welcome to the Dorset Guitar Society

The Dorset Guitar Society is a group of friendly enthusiastic amateur classical guitars that meet monthly at St Andrew's Church Kinson in Bournemouth.

The majority of members are part of the society's 'Dorset Guitar Orchestra' that rehearse and perform as an ensemble using differentiated arrangements covering all technical levels. We currently spend the first half of each meeting rehearsing the ensemble under the direction of Jim Kirk. The Dorset Guitar Orchestra aims to perform a few times each year raising funds for the society and for other local charities.

Following a break and chance to chat, the second half of each meet gives members the opportunity to perform solo or small ensemble pieces that they have been working on or for us to invite guest artists to perform for us.

The next meeting is on Sunday 16th March from 14:00 until 17:30.

A list of future meetings is also available.

More excerpts from some of our performances can be found
on our YouTube channel.

Please use this form if you would like to be on our mailing list.